Find quality galvanized pipe fittings online or in store. I would re-thread the pipe but since it is in the stud bay there is no way to turn the pipe threading die. Some municipalities have regulations about where and when galvanized compression fittings can be use so double check with your local inspector. How to Connect Non-Threaded Galvanized Pipe Hunker Re: Connect to galvanized pipe without threads? Dec 1 20Do they make a threadless coupling for galvanized pipe?
Plumbing Supply Now has Galvanized Pipe Fittings by Ward Manufacturing.
Plumbing Supply Now Galvanized Fittings Ward Domestic
Galvanized pipe is joined using fittings made of malleable cast iron. Galvanized Fittings Schedule (Imported) Galvanized Fittings Schedule (Domestic) Galvanized Fittings Schedule (Imported) BE THE FIRST TO KNOW. I had a situation where we had to cut the pipe, but no threads.